I am ready for the next challenge. Let’s just start…
But then I don’t follow through and do it. In this case I am talking about getting back to writing regularly here on the blog. Responding to that need of expression that is deep-felt and releasing those unique thoughts that come and go, when least expected. Why not just go for it then? Because the mind, perfectionism and many other things sometimes get in the way.
This may not the most insightful or amazing piece of writing produced. But I am putting these very few words out there, as a symbol for how I want to proceed. As I hit the “Publish”-button I am sure I will come up with a dozen of things to edit and correct. However, I want to kick off that journey and process of practising writing regularly. I want to start doing it bit by bit. Because deep down, I know I have a hunger and passion for it. And I love growth, knowledge and learning.
Just start. Now. And the rest will follow.
I will leave you with the below words of David Perell – a writer who teaches writing.
May we all experience the journey and continue to refine our craft. Hopefully we just get started, start enjoying the ride and learnings.

Source: https://twitter.com/david_perell/status/1412177942587838468