Move with Agility & flow

Imagine you are on this path, putting one foot in front of the other…

You kind of have an idea of where you want to go. You have a destination in mind. And a vision. Ok, so you have an idea of where you want to go. You ask yourself – Alright, how are we going to get there? 

Moving with Agility as a human – constantly surrendering to what is in front of us while discovering, creating, learning & adapting

You research and look at what others before you have done. You start getting really deep into the research and obsessed by the planning. You want to figure it all out at once, understand what others are doing and plan every little detail ahead.
But what if there is no need to do so?
What if it is possible to embrace each new day with potentially a new way? A way where you move more with agility and let go of the fear of uncertainty?
What if you could ease up a bit on the more detailed longer term plans and let go of the control?
You don’t have to discard all the plans and research on your path forward. You could instead approach things with a more cyclical and gradual approach to planning combined with meaningful check points to introspect as well as retrospect. This may align better with a modern world that is dynamic, uncertain and complex.

Move forward with agility and trust. Where you constantly surrender to what is in front of you while discovering, learning & adapting.

What if you made sure you were clear on your WHY, but allowed the journey to unfold and show you the rest?
You do actually have all this wisdom and natural compass within.
Because when you do understand your WHY along with your core values and how to prioritise well, you are able to keep moving forward at any given moment. Even if you make a mistake or ‘fail’, you are able to learn from it and course correct. Leave room for thoughtful, meaningful and truly expansive change.

So let’s work out the WHY first. Your WHY may encompass an aligned vision based on experience combined with your big aspirations, and your ‘guiding principles’ based on your unique core values. You can then walk backwards from there. You also need to understand your starting point well. Develop an understanding of yourself first and get an honest, clear idea on where you are right now. And by all means, be aware and contemplate on potential risks and ‘drainers’ that can get in your way, from all angles. Know thyself. With this knowledge and clarity about yourself and the environment, you are able to support yourself and prioritise the work that actually matters at any given moment.

You are now constantly balancing grounded action with trust and surrender. You check in regularly, but don’t obsess or try to control the future. You are trusting the process. This may be a way to flow more with life. Exploring the relationship between doing with being.
Cultivate agility, to leave room for change and to face any challenges this modern world presents us. To navigate life and show up with ease. To trust even when you can’t see the exact path ahead of you.

If you are committed to the growth then the challenges, discomfort or ‘unpleasant’ experiences will keep coming but you will accept it and move through it. Everything happens from the now moment, and in acceptance we create the choice that can allow us to flow. We can experience life starting to flow on another level and the magic can unfold.

I share this from a place of curiosity and openness as I continue to explore, learn and discover more in my own journey about the being & doing in this thing we call life.

© copyright MyKnowledgeSociety 2022.